WebMaker Philippines - Better Privacy

Better Privacy

Two-way privacy policy: Both sides are protected, your privacy, and our legal protection. It is never one-sided.

Summary of our Privacy Policy

We give utmost respect to the privacy of our clients and users of this website.
Any information that you give us, or any that we have obtained from you through the use of an online form, will be kept safe and confidential.

We do not share your information to any third parties. We have no interest in giving away your information to any third parties. We believe your personal information is yours alone, and we do not put ourselves to have any right over them. Our cookies are created to serve you and not to harvest your information. We are not part of any industry who gather customer information for marketing purposes. We respect those marketing agencies, that is their business to market and gather information. We are not advertisers or marketers, we are programmers and software engineers. So we have nothing to do with your information, we get your information only for the purpose of identifying you so that we can serve you. We can't treat you as customer number 1 or 2 or customer 98, we call you by your name. In short the information is for us to identify you and serve you.

What is the security risk of our cookies? Zero risk, because you don't enter your credit card here, you don't create any account here. What we need is your telephone number so that we can call you back. How can you pay us online? We use PayPal, Western Union, Bank Transfer, we go to you and pick up your check or you go to our office for you to pay. So you are absolutely safe.

It says you are GDPR compliant, how come we don't see any cookie policy or privacy policy button? Because we apply GDPR base on countries. Here in the Philippines we are not covered by GDPR so we don't apply the cookie and privacy button on this website thus it is not visible. However, in our handling of your data, or any information you give us we follow their rules and regulations.

Why do you follow GDPR rules and regulations, where in fact you are outside EU, and your market is in the Philippines? Because we strongly believe that each customers privacy must be protected. We don't want anyone reading our private information, and we believe nobody wants that from happening. We are only applying the principle of, "Don't do unto others what you don't want to do unto yourself."

Our service is just to develop and design your system or software. We use information you give us so that we can identify you and serve you in a lawful and fair mean. Other than that we have nothing to do with your private information, whether it’s your email address, postal address, telephone number, your name, credit card information, billing information, etc.

We will protect your information within reasonable security means against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying or modification. We give utmost respect to your private information, and we will not share this to anyone. However, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law. We will investigate and try to determine using our good faith, and with legal advice if disclosure of information is really necessary.

Any and all customer information obtained by us will not be sold, transferred, exchanged or given to any third-party or affiliate for any reason whatsoever, without the consent of the customer, other than for the service requested by the customer.

We accept services outside of our country, and we let PayPal take care of your credit card information.

All of our customers will not receive any unsolicited emails. Webmaker.com.ph | RGRR WEBMAKER has no newsletters and doesn't use any form of email marketing.

How do we protect your privacy?

Before working on your project, we brief our people who are going to handle your data.

  • The importance of protecting all your information.
  • Educating our staff, through scenarios, examples, and cases.
  • Where are the potential data leaks and how to prevent them.
  • Use, evaluate, and improve our existing privacy policy
  • All people who are going to handle your data will sign the NDA.
  • We believe your data are never part of us, and will never be part of any of our existing staff. So we have no right whatsoever over them.